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I'm Allegra, a content strategist and copywriter.  I'm here to help you increase your sales and impact through content you're proud of.

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Steal this market research method and sales page template to sell out your next digital launch.

So, you created a valuable digital product or program. You tested your offer and got awesome beta results. Now, you need a killer sales page template to help you sell out your launch.

Maybe you’ve never written a sales page before and you’re not sure where to start. Or perhaps you don’t want to stare at a blank page without a proven process to guide the way.

How do you nail the critical launch copy that compels your audience to buy? That’s exactly what this comprehensive article is going to teach you.

Keep reading for a deep-dive into the process of how to write a sales page – from initial audience research to crafting every last line of copy. We’ll dive into:

  1. Sales Page vs. Landing Page: What’s the Difference?
  2. Defining Your Sales Funnel Strategy
  3. How to Gather Market Research for Your Sales Page
  4. 5 Stages of Audience Awareness
  5. A Sales Page Template to Sell Out Your Launch (12 Sections)
  6. Other Important Elements of an Effective Sales Page

I’m Allegra, a content strategist and sales page copywriter for creative entrepreneurs like you. I’ve used this exact sales page template and process to help my clients earn $6+ figure launches and sell out their digital programs with messaging they’re proud of. Are you ready to do the same? Let’s dive in!

Sales Page vs. Landing Page: What’s the Difference?

Before we get into the sales page template, let’s talk about the difference between a sales page vs. a landing page since these two types of pages are sometimes confused. 

Both a sales page and landing page are marketing tools created to incentivize one specific call to action (CTA). Unlike a website that has many different links, a sales page and landing page each have one type of CTA.

But the types of CTA’s differ between a sales page and a landing page. 

A landing page may not incentivize the audience to buy something. It could prompt the site visitor to take a different action, like signing up for a webinar or digital download like a free eBook.

Sales pages have one job: to incentivize the audience to buy your offer.1

Your sales landing page is the long-form sales argument for your product or program. A sales page walks your audience through their decision-making journey all the way to the purchase. 

Stay tuned for much, more on the buying process.

Defining Your Sales Funnel Strategy

Maybe you’re planning a full marketing campaign to promote an online course, digital program, or another type of offer. Where does your sales page fit into your sales funnel strategy?

The sales page is usually the final step in the sales funnel. It’s where the audience inputs their credit card information to buy your offer. So, all the other content in your sales funnel should lead back to your sales page.

Here are some examples of other sale funnel content that would link back to the sales page:

  • Paid ads that promote your product
  • Email marketing that sells to your email list
  • A webinar promoting your offer
  • Blog posts that drive traffic to your sales page

Content like this gets the audience’s attention and instills urgency to learn more. Once they’re on the sales letter, that’s where they make the final decision to buy. 

The sales page offers the information and incentive your audience needs to make a decision about your offer. That’s why it’s an essential piece of your funnel.

Let’s talk about what makes the best sales pages successful and why a sales page copywriting template is extremely useful for your business…

How to Gather Market Research for Your Sales Page (Template)

In the online marketing world, people often talk about “understanding your ideal client.” But what exactly does that mean – and why is it so important?

As humans, we make decisions based on logic and emotion. So, it’s essential to appeal to both emotions and logic in a winning sales page. To do so requires getting crystal clear on who your ideal audience is and what’s important to them.

Speaking to your audience’s specific needs, desires, and pain points shows them how they would benefit from your offer.

💭 Imagine your ideal client and ask yourself…

  • Who are they? (name, age, stage of life)
  • What’s important to them?
  • What are their current beliefs?
  • What beliefs would help them see the value of my offer?
  • What are their pain points that my offer could help them solve?
  • How would solving those problems benefit their lives?
  • What objections could cause them to hesitate against my offer?
  • What would make them extra excited about buying my offer?

Try to get as specific as possible. But don’t assume that you know what your audience wants. Be sure to do your market research to understand exactly what’s important to them. Here are two ways to gather audience research:

  1. Public Forums. Visit the online forums where your audience hangs out. Think: Facebook groups, Instagram posts, Reddit. Take note of their questions and the needs they have that your product solves.

  2. Audience Survey. Send a survey out to your audience to ask what’s important to them directly. A survey is a valuable way to hear their responses in their own words instead of making assumptions that could be incorrect – no judgment, we’ve all been there.

Doing market research is an excellent way to learn how your audience speaks. Take note of the words, phrases, and questions they use – and use them all in your copy. This builds trust and gives the impression that you speak their language.

This brings us to audience awareness.

5 Stages of Audience Awareness

The most successful sales pages go a step deeper than understanding who the audience is. You also need to determine their level of awareness of your offer.

Here are the 5 levels of audience awareness to consider:

  1. Unaware. The audience doesn’t yet realize that they have a problem that could be solved.

  2. Problem aware. They’re aware they have a problem but aren’t aware there’s a product/program that could solve it.

  3. Solution aware. They know there’s a type of product/program that solves their problem, but they haven’t found your specific offering.

  4. Product aware. The audience knows about your product, but they’re still comparing it to other products/solutions on the market.

  5. Most aware. The audience knows your specific product is likely the best solution for their problem, but they may need a final push to buy.

You want your sales page to meet them at their current level of awareness in your offer. Then, the copy moves them through the remaining stages of awareness. 

Understanding their awareness helps you better speak to their specific needs, objections, and desires throughout their journey.

Do you need to introduce the solution, or do you need to simply argue why your product is the best of all the solutions?

A Sales Page Template to Sell Out Your Launch (12 Proven Sections)

Okay, you’ve done the pre-work of performing market research and defining your audience and sales strategy. Now, it’s time to start writing your sales page. 

Pro Tip: write your copy before working with a web designer or website template. You want to get your messaging right first versus force-fitting copy into a design.

Here’s the proven sales page copywriting template that’s been successful for my clients. Plus the sales page best practices I use to create high-converting sales pages for course creators and e-commerce brands.

Section One: Build Rapport

The first section of your sales page is meant to meet the audience where they are. 

1. Strong Headline. Did you know that you have less than 8 seconds to hook your reader’s attention and get them to keep reading? Your headline is essential to keeping your reader on the web page to purchase your offer.

Highlight the larger outcomes and benefits of your offer within your headline. For example, instead of saying “fix your digestive issues,” focus on the result that it leads to. A result can be to “live with more energy and vitality.”

2. Resonate With Pain Areas. Show the reader that you understand where they are right now. Demonstrating that you understand their current situation builds trust and credibility.

For example, my sales page services page acknowledges that the audience recently launched a new product and they’re ready to sell it. Yes, it’s that simple! But it shows that I understand what brought them here and that I’ve seen this before.

3. Introduce the Solution. Now, it’s time to talk about the things that could be standing in the way of the outcome they want. Your mission is to empathize with the pain points they’re experiencing and show how your offer can solve them.

A common copywriting technique is to agitate pain points. While it’s essential to speak to the problem, I believe there’s a way to keep the narrative positive. Instead of over-agitating pain points, talk about the opposite of the pain point and how your product makes it possible.

This first section shows them you understand and empathize with their pain points, and have a solution for them.

Section Two: Introduce the Offer

While we make our final decisions emotionally, we still need to justify them logically. Let’s get into the logical side of things.

4. Build the Value. Now is your chance to outline all the details that the audience is going to get by purchasing your product. For example, if you created a group coaching program, break down everything that’s inside – from the community to modules to group coaching calls.

If this section feels long, that’s actually a good thing. We want to show the audience just how MUCH they’re going to get. And if they want to skip over a long section, we’re going to recap the most crucial aspects later on.

5. Provide Social Proof. Testimonials are effective to use throughout your sales page, especially after places where you have calls to action. So, definitely don’t feel like you should only include testimonials in one place.

But it’s beneficial to designate an entire section of case studies, screenshots, or social proof to build trust with your audience. Show them the reactions you got from other clients before heading into the pricing section.

6. Introduce Yourself (Briefly). If your audience has gone through your sales funnel, they likely have an idea of who you are. But this is a good time to remind them of you, your message, and your mission.

Remember that your about section is an opportunity to resonate with them. Tell your story in a way that relates and shows how your unique value proposition can benefit them.

7. Recap the Value. This section is a shorter version of the “build the value” section above. It gives a high-level recap of what they’ll receive, pulling out the most major benefits of your product/service.

We place this section before the pricing section to remind them of all the amazing value they’re receiving before they encounter the price and option to purchase.

8. Provide Price. Why do I recommend being transparent about pricing on the sales page? If you don’t include your price, the audience could assume that the pricing is out of their budget, which could turn them away.

Transparency shows you have nothing to hide and that YOU believe in the value of your offer. If you’re worried about a pricing objection, you can always include an option for a payment plan and an option to pay in full for a discounted price.

The second section appeals to the logical side of your audience’s brain and show them ALL the value they’re going to receive within your offer.

Section Three: Tackle Doubts

If your reader made it this far without purchasing, something might be holding them back. Let’s talk about handling objections.

9. Handle Objections (Head On). So, you made your pitch. Your audience is likely interested. But if they didn’t hit the purchase button above, they may still have a few doubts.

Now is the time to handle these objections head-on. I like to include these after the option to pay so that you don’t put objections into your readers’ heads – especially if they may not have had them in the first place.

10. Answer Frequently Asked Questions. FAQs are a fantastic place to handle objections in your sales page copywriting template. Use these strategically to answer any doubts that could be lingering in your audience’s mind.

Plus, it’s a good place to point them to your other offerings if this one isn’t the right fit for them.

11. Provide a Guarantee. If you’re running a program, a short-term money-back guarantee can go a long way. You poured so much heart into your offer. Once your audience is inside, they’re likely going to want to stay, right? This just gets people over the edge and into the offer.

A money back guarantee is effective but it doesn’t have to be a money guarantee. You can add a few bullets about how you guarantee to support them (like saying “you’ll get my 100% focus and attention”).

12. Paint a Vision. Before the potential customer goes, leave them with a vision of what their life would be like without the offer – and then compare it to what it would be like with the offer.

Describe how working together could truly alleviate the pain points in their life. Use descriptive imagery to help them actually see themselves experiencing this transformation after working with you. Draw in the senses goes a long way.

The final section is all about handling these doubts and objections head-on so your reader feels safe and comfortable in making their purchase.

Other Important Elements of an Effective Sales Page:

  • Buy Button: One thing not that should be created throughout your sales page are your call to action buttons or CTA Button. To clarify, your sales page should only have one type of call to action: to purchase your offering.

    You don’t want to confuse the reader by including external links to multiple places. This is the time to only push them towards the purchase. But you can absolutely have CTA buttons throughout the page after persuasive sections. The goal is to get them to click those and purchase as early as possible!

  • Countdown Timer: Instill urgency by showing when your offer is going to expire. Adding in a digital countdown timer that shows when the program closes can instill FOMO and get the reader excited to buy while they can.

  • Bonus: Sales Video: Consider including a video of yourself where you highlight the key benefits of your program. Showing your face can build trust and make the audience feel like they know you better.

This is the sales page copywriting template that I’ve used to help clients consistently get above-average conversion rates. Keep this as a starting point to set you up for success!

Work With a Sales Page Copywriter

Is the thought of using this sales page template feeling a bit overwhelming?

You already have a long list of things to get done to launch your digital product. And now it feels like writing perfect sales page copy is going to take you days.

Even with a sales page copywriting template, it can feel like too much for some – and that’s totally understandable. I mean, you have an entire business to run! If you’re feeling this way, I’m here to help. 

If you want an expert copywriter to take your sales copy off your plate, check out my done-for-you sales page copywriting service. In this package, I create your high-converting sales page in 5 business days, so you can: 

  • Save your headspace
  • Be confident going into your launch
  • Increase your sales

I’d be thrilled to give you the support you need heading into your launch!

Apply for a VIP sales page copywriting package to get your sales page done for you in a week.


  1. Copyblogger

A Proven Sales Page Template: 12 Sections of a High-Converting Sales Page


July 20, 2022

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