How to Work With a Business Book Ghostwriter in 2024: A Comprehensive Guide

Get a peek inside the process, pricing, and benefits of working with a high-quality business book ghostwriter.

If you’re a high-level entrepreneur or consultant, there is no better way to elevate your brand than with a business book.

You’ve already experienced monumental success. Whether you’re consulting for Fortune 500 companies or transforming your clients’ lives with high-level masterminds.

But a business book catapults you onto the higher playing field. Where you’re…

  • Spreading impact to a wider audience

  • Asked to speak on major stages

  • Attracting high-level clients

…and seen as the top expert in your field because you wrote the book on the subject matter (literally).

The only catch?

Writing a business book is an intensive process that requires deep intention, masterful storytelling expertise, and a lot of your income-producing time.

Since your time is worth hundreds or thousands per hour, working with a business book ghostwriter can actually save you money, preserve your headspace, and make your book more successful at getting you where you want to go.

But finding the right ghostwriter who’s adept at both writing skills and business book strategy is challenging. This article gives you a peek behind the curtain:

You’ll come away with everything you need to know about how to work with a high-quality ghostwriter, what to expect from them – and how to find one in 2024.

Have a specific question about working with a business book ghostwriter? I’d be happy to answer them. Fill out this form to book a free consultation, no strings attached.

Why Should You Write a Business Book?

As you know, a book elevates your brand as a business leader.

It’s the ultimate business card, allowing you to be seen as an expert and to spread your impact to more of your target audience.

But if you want your book to launch you towards the future of your business, it’s important to start with the right goals and intention (before you ever start writing).

Here are some of the biggest goals and benefits you may want to consider. If your ghostwriter asks about these goals, it’s a sign of a high-quality professional:

  • Expand Your Impact. One of the authors I worked really wanted their message and teachings to help more people. She’s an eight-figure entrepreneur with coaching programs starting at around $6,000.

    Her programs are incredibly transformative. But as you can imagine, this price point isn’t accessible to everyone. What she loves about her book is that it gives people the opportunity to learn from her at a $27 price point.

    A book is a way get your message out and help more people. As a heart-centered entrepreneur, I’m sure this is a priority for you.

  • Attract High-Quality, High-Paying Clients. Yes, a book is a way to spread your impact to more people at a lower price point. But it is also a fantastic tool for attracting quality clients to your high-ticket services.

    A business book attracts those who are able and excited to invest at the highest level in your services. It brings people into your world who are already bought into your philosophy.

    This means they’re much further along the customer journey and are ready and excited to work with you.

  • Book More Speaking Engagements. Not every entrepreneur aspires to become a speaker. But if you are a speaker, having a business book opens doors to much higher-level opportunities with larger audiences and higher speaking fees.

    You see ROI in two ways: you can command higher prices as a speaker upfront, and your audiences are more qualified and larger.

    After your talk, your audience is more likely to read your book, which can connect them from your speech to your coaching offers.

  • Solidify Your Reputation. A book is the ultimate way to demonstrate your knowledge on a subject and be seen as an expert in your field. Share your unique approach, philosophy, and the results you’ve achieved for others.

    Consider the most impactful leaders in your industry. Whether you’re in personal development, leadership consulting, or business coaching.

    The top thought leaders shaping conversations in your industry have a book. This sets you apart from entrepreneurs who only have an online presence; it simply elevates you to a higher level.

This is all of the best evidence of how a business book genuinely elevates your brand, business revenue, and your long-term profitability.

But beyond the numbers, your book is also your legacy.

I’m sure you’re here because you have a pull on your heart to share your story. And that’s exactly what a (quality) business book does.

Of course, it’s filled with lessons and pillars that define your philosophy and attract people to work with you. But all of this is rooted in your personal stories, anecdotes, and voice – the things that make you unique.

The right business book ghostwriter knows how to ask you the right questions to draw out those stories. They’ll write a book you're proud of that also grows your business.

But not all ghostwriters have the interview, writing, and strategic skills to make that happen. Which is a perfect segue into what you should look for (and expect from) your ghostwriter.

Signs of a High-Quality Business Book Ghostwriter

You don't have to search far online to find a freelance copywriter who can write a few blog posts for your website or craft some social media captions for your content marketing.

But business book ghostwriting is a highly specialized and unique skill set.

Writing non-fiction books is a long-term project that demands exceptional interviewing, outlining, writing, researching, and hard work.

This is why investing in a quality business book ghostwriter is a smart decision. They dedicate significant time and apply their specialized knowledge to this intensive and important project.

Your book represents you, so it’s crucial not to cut corners here.

That said, when investing at this price point, you can (and absolutely should) have high expectations of your ghostwriter.

This is a relationship where you should feel extremely supported and well taken care of. Here are a few common things you should expect from a quality ghostwriter:

  • Business Strategy: A top-notch ghostwriter is more than just a writer—they’re your strategic partner. They should understand how to leverage your book to achieve specific business outcomes.

    Whether you want to drive leads to your consulting programs or boosting your speaking career. This strategic approach ensures that your book not only shares your story but also supports your business goals.

  • Knowledge of the Self-Publishing World: If you plan to self-publish, it’s incredibly beneficial to work with a ghostwriter who knows the ins and outs of the self-publishing landscape.

    Their knowledge and connections can make the publishing process smoother and enhance the quality and reach of your final product.

  • Exceptional Interview Skills: Much of the content in a business book comes from your experiences and insights.

    A ghostwriter with strong interview skills captures your voice and the nuances of your narrative. This is crucial for making the content feel authentic and true to your personal brand.

  • Leverages AI: AI is no replacement for a high-quality ghostwriter who knows how to ask the right questions, use storytelling techniques, and connect with your human readers. But there definitely is a way to use AI to make the process more efficient and effective.

    In this era, look for a business ghostwriter who combines the efficiency of AI with the human touch your audience connects with.

  • Empathy and Adaptability: Your ghostwriter should be someone who truly listens to and understands your perspective, then translates that into writing that resonates with your reader.

    Adaptability is also key—they need to be responsive to your feedback and open to revising their work based on your insights and suggestions.

  • Professionalism and Reliability: Finally, you need a ghostwriter who is not only talented but also professional and reliable.

    They should respect deadlines, communicate effectively, and manage the project efficiently, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable process for both of you. The next section shows you what an efficient ghostwriting process looks like.

All of these qualities are important, but there are also intangible aspects to consider. Do you feel like you and your ghostwriter click? Do you share values and enjoy talking?

Business book ghostwriting typically takes 4-6 months, so you'll be spending a lot of time with your ghostwriter. It’s crucial that you feel comfortable with them.

Meet with a few different ghostwriters before making your decision. It’s a tight-knit world, and usually, ghostwriters can put you in touch with other writers until you find your aligned match.

Peek Inside a Business Book Ghostwriter’s Process (5 Steps)

The ghostwriting world can feel a bit elusive, right?

You might be wondering what it’s actually like to work with a business book ghostwriter and what to expect in terms of timing.

I believe in being totally transparent from the start. So, let’s take a peek inside what it looks like to work together on a full business book.

The first step is the onboarding period. I always begin with a kick-off call where we align on the overall objective of the book idea. This is where we dig into what transformation you want your audience to go through – and what you want your book to be known for.

From there, there are five steps to the business book ghostwriting process:

  1. Book Map / Outline:  We discuss and align on your book’s larger structure and main objectives. This phase results in a detailed outline or book map, which sets the stage for all subsequent writing. You’ll review and approve this outline to ensure it meets your expectations before any writing begins.

  2. First Chapter Review: Once the outline is approved, I craft the first chapter. This is your opportunity to review and adjust the tone and approach to ensure it matches your vision for the book. Feedback at this stage is crucial as it sets the tone for the rest of the book.

  3. Interviews and Development: Throughout this stage, we have 1 interview per week for each chapter. These sessions help capture your voice and insights, which are essential for developing the story. This iterative process ensures that each part of the book reflects your knowledge and perspectives.

  4. Rough Draft Review: After the initial chapters are developed, you’ll receive a rough draft of the entire manuscript. This is the time to make structural changes meaning we might adjust where stories go, or take things out entirely. 

  5. Polished Manuscript Delivery: Finally, you receive the polished manuscript with all changes from the prior phase incorporated. It's the culmination of all our collaborative efforts and reflects a refined and thoroughly vetted book. 

At this point, you would work with a publishing agency to handle the final steps of proofreading, designing, and publishing. I have a network of wonderful people to connect you with in this world.

Looking at the 5-step process, it seems pretty simple, right?

That’s the beauty of working with a quality business book ghostwriter. You go from having no clue where to start to having a clear, defined process.

Of course, challenges and questions come up along the way. But we work through them together in an organized, efficient way.

The business book ghostwriting process takes around 4-6 months depending on your type of story. I spearhead the process and keep the project on track – so you simply show up and your book gets finished.

FAQs on Working With A Business Book Ghostwriter

When considering hiring a ghostwriter for your business book, you likely have several questions about the process.

Here are some common queries and their answers to help you understand what to expect:

  • How long does a business book project take?

    The timeline for a book project can vary. But typically, an interview-based ghostwriting process spans 4-6 months from concept to completion. This includes everything from initial consultations and planning to writing, revisions, and final manuscript preparation.

  • How do I ensure the book reflects my voice?

    A quality ghostwriter will spend ample time interviewing you and studying your previous work to capture your unique voice and style. Regular communication and review sessions throughout the writing process will also help ensure the book authentically reflects your personal brand and message.

  • How much does a book ghostwriter cost?

    Investing in a high-quality ghostwriter is crucial, as the book serves as a major credibility driver for your professional identity.

    Quality ghostwriters typically start at $25,000, with top professionals charging upwards of $75,000, and even $100,000+ depending on the project's complexity and their expertise.

  • How can I guarantee a bestselling book?

    A high-quality ghostwriter would never guarantee that your book will become a bestseller (if a ghostwriter makes such a promise, it's a red flag).

    The success of your book in terms of sales largely depends on the effectiveness of your marketing efforts, which is beyond the ghostwriter’s control. While they can craft an exceptional book, marketing is essential to drive its sales.

  • Does the ghostwriter help with publishing?

    While ghostwriters focus on the writing of your book, some have connections in the publishing industry and can offer guidance or referrals for self-publishing houses.

    The responsibility for the actual publishing process will generally lie with you, the author. But it’s beneficial to work with a business ghostwriter who can facilitate introductions to self-publishing experts or agencies.

Have a different question about working with a business book ghostwriter? I’d be happy to answer them. Fill out this form to book a free consultation, no strings attached.

Where to Find a Business Book Ghostwriter in 2024

You’re ready to write a business book and realize you need a ghostwriter to bring your ideas to life. Where do you actually find a qualified professional who can handle such an important task? 

Here are some effective strategies to start your search:

  • LinkedIn: LinkedIn is a fantastic place to find experienced business book ghostwriters. Use the search feature to find writers, explore their profiles, check out their past projects, and read recommendations from other clients. A strong LinkedIn presence can also give you a sense of their professional network and writing style.

  • Google: A simple Google search can lead you to the websites of professional ghostwriters or ghostwriting agencies. Look for those whose websites rank well, as this indicates their SEO knowledge and online marketing savvy – skills that can be useful for promoting your book later.

  • Referrals: Don’t hesitate to leverage your professional network. Ask colleagues if they know any reputable ghostwriters. Referrals are a trustworthy source for finding a skilled professional, as they come with pre-validated experience and credibility.

Want to become a published author in 2024? I’d be thrilled to help.

I’m proud to have helped 8-figure business owners grow their brands through strategy, storytelling, and book ghostwriting. I’m here to extract all those bright ideas from your head and heart – and expertly craft your narrative on paper.

So the world can benefit from your message.

And you can unlock your next level of growth and revenue.

Let’s write a business book you're proud of that also grows your business in 2024.

If you’re ready to write your book with a high-quality business book ghostwriter, get in touch here. After you apply, I’ll follow up to schedule your discovery call.


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