Write Your Way to Freedom Review: Earn $10k Per Month Copywriting in 2024

Sarah Turner’s Copywriting course helped me quit my 9-5 and create a life on my own terms. Here’s how you can too.

So, you’ve come across an ad for of Sarah Turner’s copywriting course that says you can replace your income, quit your 9-5, and achieve time freedom with copywriting. It sounds like the *dream* life you’ve been searching for ways to pursue.

But you may be wondering, “is Sarah Turner’s Write Your Way to Freedom course legit?”

I get it – because I wondered the same thing, too. When I first found Sarah Turner’s copywriting course, I was working a 9-5 that that was no longer the right place for me. I was eager to find a way to quit my job and create a life on my own terms.

Everything about Sarah’s social media ads spoke directly to my heart.

The idea that I could control my workload and work with clients I admired sounded almost too good to be true. I researched Write Your Way to Freedom as much as possible. I watched Sarah’s Youtube channel, devoured the success stories, and read all the reviews. At a certain point, I decided to buy the course and trust that if this could work for others, it could work for me too.

What happened next was even better than I ever could’ve imagined.

I was able to quit my job and replace my corporate salary with freelance copywriting in just five months. Now, I earn $10k+ per month through copywriting alone.

It wasn’t always easy, and there are definitely things to consider before deciding to purchase Write Your Way to Freedom. So, this article is going to take you through it all: the good, the hard, and what is truly possible for you on the other side.

Keep reading this Write Your Way to Freedom review to learn:

  • What Is Write Your Way to Freedom?

  • The Benefits of Write Your Way to Freedom (Review)

  • How Much You Can Earn With Copywriting

  • Frequently Asked Questions

I’m also going to answer the burning question on your mind: “is there a future in freelance copywriting, even with the rise of AI copywriting tools?” So stay tuned!

Becoming a successful freelance copywriter is challenging, just like any other profession. But the difference is that you’re building YOUR future and dreams every day – not someone else’s. 

The payoff is so worth it to be able to earn more money and control your hours.

Sarah Turner’s copywriting course gets you to your goals much faster than doing it alone and this article will show you why.

Want to get a preview of Write Your Way to Freedom? Take Sarah’s *free* training: How to Build a Lucrative Freelance Copywriting Career. She walks you through how to start earning consistent five-figure months with copywriting – even with no experience or portfolio.

My Write Your Way to Freedom Story (And Monthly Earning)

Just a little over three years ago, my life looked entirely different.

I worked as an account executive at an advertising agency originally based in New York City. After the pandemic started, we shifted to working remotely via Zoom.

Like many others, I experienced a high level of burnout at this time because my team was understaffed. I was very grateful to have a job when there were layoffs. And I felt privileged to  work from the comfort of my home when other people were on the front lines.

But at the same time, the stress of the job and long hours took a toll on me. I was constantly anxious and down. Honestly I didn’t recognize myself anymore (sound familiar?).

I was so eager to find a way to work on my own terms. I never wanted to quit and stop working entirely. Like you, I’m ambitious and motivated to work hard toward something meaningful. 

But I wanted to build my *own* dream on my own hours.

I wanted to create space in my life to spend more time with family, on my hobbies, and simply be present. To pursue value-aligned work without work consuming my entire life.

That’s when the ads for Write Your Way to Freedom found me. 

Sarah Turner’s copywriting course is a comprehensive roadmap for becoming a high-earning freelance copywriter. She teaches you how to skip the low-paying job boards and land high-paying clients who respect you and align with your values.

From the moment I read about Write Your Way to Freedom, I had a gut feeling that this route was for me (kinda like the feeling you have right now). I followed my gut, purchased the course, and my life changed faster than even I thought it could.

Looking back, I can honestly say that I was able to achieve exactly what the course describes. Write Your Way to Freedom showed me how to:

  1. Create a sustainable copywriting career, starting with no experience. 

    Although I worked in the advertising industry, I didn’t have professional writing experience. I was an account manager and project facilitator at the time. Sarah’s copywriting course teaches you how to cultivate copywriting skills from scratch and build a copywriting portfolio before you ever have any copywriting clients.

  2. Work fewer hours on my own terms.

    After coming from an environment where I worked 10+ hours per day, I knew I needed to create my freelance copywriting career on my own terms. I cut my working hours in half (almost) and now consistently work an average of 6 hours per day.

    Of course, there are busier seasons when I’m working towards a big goal or batching work to take time off. But there are also times when I work less. The beauty is that your workload and schedule are all up to you, so you get to decide when and how long you work.

  3. Replace, then double my monthly salary. 

    Just five months after joining the Write Your Way to Freedom online course, I was able to replace my monthly salary (while working significantly fewer hours). And now, I’m proud to share that my monthly salary has more than doubled.

    For reference, I earned around $4,833 per month at my last corporate job. Now, I’m able to earn $10k per month with copywriting alone. Here’s a snapshot of last month’s tracker for the skeptics (I get it, I’m one too!):

If you had told me two years ago that I’d earn six figures as a copywriting business owner, I probably wouldn’t believe you. But time and time again, Sarah has helped expand my belief and reality of what’s possible for me. All of this is possible for you, too.

What’s amazing is that I truly believe this is just the beginning of my journey. Now that I have a solid foundation, I see so many possibilities ahead from both an income and opportunity standpoint. But honestly, the biggest benefits are about so much more than money.

I was able to…

  • Spend over a month with my sister to help welcome my nephew into the world.

  • Be present for my family when some very scary and hard things happened last year.

  • Live each day with more presence, space, and gratitude for my life.

I genuinely contribute my success to Sarah Turner’s copywriting course because it gave me a roadmap to get to where I am today. Plus, the program helped me start doing mindset work that’s had a positive ripple effect in my whole life.

But freelancing can be challenging at times – if it weren’t, more people would be doing it! So, let’s dig into the nitty-gritty of how Write Your Way to Freedom actually helps you navigate your journey to becoming a successful copywriter and digital nomad.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Write Your Way to Freedom (Review)

As someone who has gone through Sarah Turner’s copywriting course, here are all the biggest benefits and drawbacks I found.

  1. Offers you the most comprehensive course and step-by-step guide.
    Instead of scouring the internet looking for the right information, Write Your Way to Freedom offers all the steps in one place. This was critical for me when I was first starting out because I was overwhelmed by all of the information online about how to become a freelance copywriter.

    I didn’t have time to sort through the different articles and figure out for myself what was going to work. I wanted a proven roadmap from someone with a successful career in this field, and that’s exactly what Sarah Turner’s copywriting course did for me.

  2. Helps you land high-paying clients.
    The biggest differentiator of Sarah’s course is that she helps you skip the low-paying freelance gigs and skip right to landing high-paying clients through cold emailing. Freelance jobs posted on sites like Upwork pay much lower than finding value-aligned clients.

    Sarah shows you how to cultivate top copywriting skills and deliver high value to your clients. In turn, you’re able to charge more and earn a sustainable income faster.

  3. Offers a community of support and friendship.
    Write Your Way to Freedom copywriting course comes with community access, where you can speak to other coaches and members of the program. (It used to be a Facebook group, but now it’s on an awesome app called Circle) To me, the community was the most invaluable asset because you can actually get your questions answered.

    It’s so helpful to get support from other members, and you can also get a ton of ideas by hearing about other people’s strategies. Plus, the members in this community are genuine salt of the earth, and I’ve made real, lifelong friends from this course (an unexpected blessing!).

  4. Gives you access to the best copywriters in the industry. 
    In the last two years, Sarah has added a team of coaches to her team that are at the top of the industry. Including Jacob McMillen, who ranks in the top Google results for the term “Copywriter.” You’re in good hands.

    This saves you from having to look for answers  and not being sure how to navigate conflicting information. You just get real-time answers from the best in the industry. And even though there are multiple coaches, you still have direct access to Sarah in her weekly live Q&As.

Drawbacks of Write Your Way to Freedom

The only hesitation I had about Write Your Way to Freedom was the price.

It’s scary to invest in a course, especially for the first time. The great thing is that Write Your Way to Freedom has an action-based money-back guarantee.  You can enroll in the program, check out the course, and fill out a short application to request a refund as long as it’s within the 14-day money-back guarantee period.

This gave me a lot of peace of mind when I was first enrolling in the program. Because I knew that I could apply for a refund if I wasn’t completely satisfied.

But once you enroll, I’m willing to bet that you’ll be more than happy with what you find.

Your success can’t be guaranteed because, at the end of the day, it takes hard work and consistency to build a sustainable freelance copywriting career and online business. And only you can do that work for yourself. But the course truly does give you everything you need to make the process easier and so much quicker. There are tons of students who replace their income in 3 months or less.

Write Your Way to Freedom has paid for itself over and over again for me. Every penny I’ve earned as a copywriter is tied back to Sarah’s course. So, I’d encourage you to view this as an investment in your future earning potential versus an expense.

Your Questions About Write Your Way to Freedom Answered

Is Write Your Way to Freedom worth it?

For me, Write Your Way to Freedom was 100% worth it. You’re basically going to a trade school or getting a second degree but paying a fraction of the price that you would for higher education. Taking this course is a genuine way to pivot careers and start a freelance copywriting business without spending more student loans or years on schooling.

Is Write Your Way to Freedom a Pyramid Scheme?

I understand this fear, with so many different scams online today. But Write Your Way to Freedom is not a pyramid scheme. This is a legitimate course that teaches you how to earn money in an ethical way by building a client base of copywriting clients. You get lifetime access to over 70 modules and they’re continually updated with more information and the latest best practices.

Sarah is just an incredibly genuine person. She interacts with students all the time on Live Q&As and in the community. She truly wants to help people experience more time and financial freedom in their lives.

Do you need writing skills to get started?

Nope! If you enjoyed writing growing up or at some point, you’d probably enjoy your journey as a copywriter even more. Personally, my childhood self would be very happy to know that I figured out how to make a living as a writer (something I never imagined would be possible for me).

That said, I had no experience with copywriting when I first invested in the course. The course teaches you everything you need to know to cultivate copywriting skills that get results.

Is there a future in freelance copywriting, even with the rise of AI copywriting tools?

I’m SURE that this question has crossed your mind due to all the talk about AI recently. AI copywriting tools are definitely changing the landscape of the copywriting field – but they don’t remove the need for high-quality copywriters that offer value and strategy to their clients.

Using AI tools still take a ton of time, skill, and strategy to produce content that’s original and gets results. Entry-level entrepreneurs or small businesses with low budgets might take advantage of ChatGPT. But high-level clients with big marketing budgets still aren’t looking to DIY their content themselves.

So the question becomes: how do you LAND those high-level clients? And Write Your Way to Freedom shows you how.

If you truly want to become a successful freelance copywriter, joining Write Your Way to Freedom is the best way to learn how to set yourself apart from AI. You learn effective writing techniques and strategic support that AI can’t emulate – plus how to get those “big fish” clients that pay well.

A Note About Write Your Way To Freedom Reddit

I’d hate for someone to miss out on the life-changing aspects of Write Your Way to Freedom because of misinformation, so I had to share my two cents on this. Unfortunately, a few of the reviews on Reddit appear to be marketing in disguise. 

The very few posts that review against Write Your Way to Freedom eventually tell the reader to check out a *different* course instead. This tells you that someone is trying to target these searches to market another course, and haven’t actually done their research on Sarah’s copywriting course.

Of course, everyone’s entitled to their own opinion. But I would encourage you to make sure you’re reading verified reviews from people who have actually taken Write Your Way to Freedom. Because I have countless friends in the community who are extremely satisfied with the course and program.

If you want your questions answered by someone who has actually taken Sarah’s course, please feel free to reach out to me. I’d genuinely be happy to answer your questions and thoughts.

Try Out Write Your Way to Freedom (Free Training)

You can probably tell by now, Write Your Way to Freedom changed my life. If you have a gut feeling that this course is for you, I encourage you to follow that feeling.

Write Your Way to Freedom has an action-based money-back guarantee. So, you can fill out a short application requesting a refund within 14 days if you’re not 100% satisfied with Sarah Turner’s copywriting course. But I have a feeling you’re not going to look back!

If you’re looking for a way to quit your 9-5, double your salary, and just take control of your life again – I can’t recommend Write Your Way to Freedom enough.

Got questions? Pop them in the comments below and I’d be happy to answer them/continue updating this article with my answers. And if you decide to sign up for the course, introduce yourself in the discussion channel asap so we can all celebrate you! 🥳 🥳

If you sign up for Write Your Way to Freedom using an affiliate link from this blog I’ll receive a small affiliate marketing commission (at no cost to you). I’m committed to only recommending products and programs I wholeheartedly believe in, like this one!


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