Why I’m Starting a Newsletter (And How It Could Benefit You Too)

It’s time I practice what I preach.

For years, the first question I’ve asked clients on ghostwriting discovery calls is, “Do you have an email list?”

As a marketer, I know that email is crucial for selling your offers, building long-term relationships, and owning your audience (versus renting it on social media).

But as a busy business owner myself, it’s taken me three years to build my own.

So, my dear audience, I’ve decided to take you along for the ride with me.

To start, here are 3 reasons why starting a newsletter greatly benefits your business – whether you’re a consultant, coach, or service provider.

Note: If taking you behind the scenes while I build out processes for my business is something you’re interested in seeing me do more of in the future, reply YES to this email.

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Benefit #1: Diversify Your Income.

So far, I’ve scaled my business solely through 1:1 client services. And while I’ll definitely continue offering services, I’d also like to add other income streams – such as digital products.

Here are a few ways you can earn income through your email list:

  • Paid Subscriptions

  • Affiliate Links

  • Sponsorships

  • Digital Sales

Maybe you’ve also been thinking about adding a digital product or program to your offer suite. This is a way to keep scaling your income even when your client roster is full. Plus, they support the people who aren’t ready to work with you 1:1 yet.

But in order to actually sell those products, you need an engaged audience who would be excited to buy from you. That’s where your email list comes in.

Benefit #2: Nurture High-Quality Clients.

I used to think that email lists were only important for brands selling products (versus services). But I was wrong. Studying successful consultants and creators on LinkedIn showed me that an email list helps you book higher-quality clients for your services.

Your email list is an opportunity to:

  • Explain your offers.

  • Build value and credibility.

  • Stay top-of-mind with potential clients.

You know those dream clients that want to work with you, but aren’t ready yet?

If build a relationship with them over email, then they’ll reach out to you when they’re in a place to work together (instead of searching for someone else).

Benefit #3: Enhance Your Marketing Funnel.

Have you ever wondered how to end a LinkedIn post or Instagram caption? Maybe you spend a ton of time on social media content – but don’t see how it’s leading to results.

Driving people into your newsletter is a clear, trackable call-to-action you can use on your social posts, blog content, and more.

Sending people from social into your email list allows you to:

  • Always reach your readers.

  • Own your audience (instead of rent it).

  • Lead people to your offers.

We’ve all heard the warning stories of people getting locked-out of their Instagram or LinkedIn where they’ve built their followings. Sending your followers into your email list ensures that you can always reach them – even when the algorithm fails you.

Your email list = opportunity.

The way I see it: your email list opens the door to opportunity.

Whether you want to launch a digital product, write a book one day, monetize a newsletter through sponsorships, or even just book more 1:1 clients.

Invest your attention into your email list and newsletter. It will pay dividends in all areas of your business for many years to come.

Thanks for being here as I build mine!

Here for you,


PS: Want help launching and growing your own email list? While I’m just starting to write my own newsletter – I’ve been supporting my clients in this area for years. Reach out to learn how I can help you grow your #1 revenue-generator (your email list) this year:

Schedule a Discovery Call


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