A Proven LinkedIn Content Strategy (And the LinkedIn Content Planner to Implement It)

Looking to amplify your LinkedIn presence this year? Learn how with the strategy and content planner that led to my first 6-figure year. 

linkedin content strategist

You know your audience is on LinkedIn, and you want to connect with them. You’re ready to book more clients, grow your following, and rise to the top of your industry as a thought leader.

But maybe you don’t know where to begin – or how to stay consistent.

Without a LinkedIn content strategy or proven content planner, you keep finding yourself back where you started.

I get it, because I’ve been exactly where you are.

Once I discovered how to approach LinkedIn in a strategic, consistent way – everything changed for my business. And that’s exactly what this article is here to show you:

  1. The Benefits of a LinkedIn Content Strategy

  2. How to Develop a LinkedIn Content Strategy

  3. LinkedIn Best Practices 

  4. LinkedIn Content Creation Process

  5. Downloadable Content Planner

I’ve seen first-hand how LinkedIn can radically change your online business.

I went from struggling to sell my services – to booking out my business within 30 days of implementing this LinkedIn content strategy.

And I’d be so honored to help you do the same. Let’s dive in!

Want to take the guesswork out of consistent LinkedIn content creation? Steal my LinkedIn Content Planner to use LinkedIn to grow your brand, establish your authority, and attract top-tier clients and opportunities.

Benefits of a LinkedIn Content Strategy 

There are over 1 billion LinkedIn users from 200 countries and regions all over the world.

LinkedIn is so much more than a networking tool. It’s a place to amplify your brand, build connections with your target audience – and lead industry conversations.

This is the essence of effective LinkedIn content marketing. 

This social media platform has moved well beyond its initial purpose of facilitating connections and job searches. It’s become one of the most influential marketing tools — especially for  B2B consultants and entrepreneurs building their online brand. 

But let’s face it — simply having a LinkedIn profile isn’t enough. 

Achieving optimal results requires more than a presence. It demands strategy, skill, and consistently creating LinkedIn content that reaches your audience. 

Crafting a compelling LinkedIn presence is like tending to a digital garden. It requires building meaningful connections, nurturing them with your expertise, and harvesting the ripe opportunities that follow. 

It takes time but is well worth the investment. 

Here are a few benefits of establishing a LinkedIn content strategy to engage with your target audience:

  1. Build Your Brand’s Visibility and Authority: By creating engaging LinkedIn posts, sharing insightful articles or blog posts, and incorporating visual content — you position yourself as an industry thought leader.

    This content marketing approach opens doors to opportunities and partnerships. It also enhances your visibility in search results, making it easier for your target audience to discover you. 

  2. Engage with Potential Clients:  Contrary to popular belief, a successful LinkedIn content strategy is about more than self-promotion. It’s about building meaningful connections. The model has shifted how we network — making it easier to connect with people outside of our immediate circle.

    Think industry leaders, decision-makers, influencers, and peers from various backgrounds. This expanded social network not only broadens your reach but also amplifies your presence in search results within LinkedIn and beyond — reaching more potential customers. 

  3. Increase Your Revenue: Beyond personal branding and engagement, a well-executed content strategy can increase your revenue. Showcasing your expertise allows you to attract potential clients, collaborators, and investors.

    Creating original content, particularly with video, opens doors to discussions that could lead to potential opportunities. A bonus is that they get to see your personality and passion! Many creators and consultants start by offering their services using video.

As a business owner and entrepreneur, I’ve been in your shoes.

After spending time developing my unique approach to LinkedIn marketing, I was able to book out my services in 30 days. A few weeks later, I had my first 6-figure year.

But don’t just take it from me.

Many other LinkedIn users have seen success in building their personal brand and presence on LinkedIn. So, let’s dive into the specifics of how you can develop a LinkedIn content strategy using the same principles I used. 

How to Develop a LinkedIn Content Strategy 

You understand the power behind LinkedIn and the benefits of a content strategy

This knowledge is pivotal, but the burning question remains - how do I execute effectively?

There’s careful planning involved if you want to see the best results. Execution goes beyond content creation. Craft messages that resonate, engage, and convert your target audience into loyal customers. 

So where do you begin?

North-Star Messaging

Working backward, let’s start with your message. 

Creating your North Star messaging is key to setting a clear direction for your content. This ensures your purpose, values, and goals are clear. They’re meant to serve as a guiding light for how you communicate. 

Here’s a 10-step process to get you started. 

  • Understand Your Purpose: Define your existence. What are you trying to solve? What is the impact you’re trying to make? 

  • Define Your Core Values: Identify the values that drive your decisions. What are non-negotiables? 

  • Know Your Audience: Understand your target audience. What are their needs, pain points, and desires? 

  • Craft a Compelling Vision: Develop a statement that paints a picture of the future you want to create. Make it inspiring and ambitious for both internal and external stakeholders. 

  • Establish Long-Term Goals: Set clear, measurable, and ambitious (but realistic) long-term goals. These goals should align with your vision.

  • Create a Tagline or Slogan: Condense your message into a memorable tagline or slogan that embodies your purpose and values. 

  • Communicate Clearly: Ensure there is clear, consistent messaging across all channels. 

  • Align Internally: Ensure that all members of your organization, from leadership to front-line employees, understand and embody the North Star messaging.

  • Iterate and Refine: Your North Star messaging isn't static. Review and update to ensure it remains relevant to your evolving goals and the external environment. Continuous refinement enhances brand awareness. 

  • Seek Feedback: Gather feedback from employees, customers, and other stakeholders to refine your messaging.

A compelling LinkedIn content strategy lies in crafting the right message that resonates with your audience through valuable content. 

What is your brand story? What is your value prop? What do you want to be known for? 

Gut check - if you know these things, can you clearly articulate them? If you don’t know them, now is the time to identify them. 

Your message should be a light that guides your audience, offering them a glimpse into the passion and purpose that drives your journey. Whether you're unveiling a new product or sharing insights, a well-crafted message establishes the foundation upon which your entire LinkedIn content strategy is built.

Content Pillars

Content pillars are the key categories that shape your future topics or posts. They make your content consistent and relevant to your audience - all while helping you decide what to write about. They also help showcase your expertise on those topics. 

Most importantly, content pillars serve as the strategic pillars that uphold your brand identity. 

When developing them, think about: 

  • What your audience cares about

  • Themes related to your services

  • Topics you want to be known for

Content pillars inform the rest of your content strategy. 

Whether it's innovation, industry trends, or leadership insights, these pillars ensure that every piece of content reinforces your brand narrative and contributes to a cohesive and impactful online presence.

Topic Ideas:

Entrepreneurs often face the challenge of generating fresh and relevant content ideas. 

This is where your content pillars come in. No need to reinvent the wheel. Use the content pillars to get you started. 

Start by staying attuned to industry trends, challenges, and conversations. Leverage your unique perspective and experiences to create content that stands out.

Gather input from your audience. Encourage engagement and ensure your content addresses their interests and pain points. 

For example, let’s say one of your content pillars is leadership development. Start by understanding your audience and identify pain points and interests: 

  1. Pain point: The difficulty of transitioning from team member to leadership role.

  2. Interests: Trends in Leadership, learning how to communicate effectively. 

  3. Questions: What makes a good leader? How do I inspire my team? 

From these, you could cover “5 Ways to Build Emotional Intelligence for Effective Leadership”, or “How to Lead a Remote Team”. 

Don’t forget about the creation of original content that mirrors your North Star messaging. This content not only distinguishes your brand, but also deeply engages your target audience with unique insights, stories, and solutions they can’t find anywhere else. 

The key is to strike a balance between industry relevance and personal authenticity. Foster the ultimate connection that resonates with your target audience.

Content Cadence

After you’ve developed messaging, it’s important to think about your content cadence.

A content cadence is how often and when you post content. This rhythm is great for keeping your audience engaged. As a bonus, it builds a predictable pattern your followers can look forward to.

Implementing a well-defined posting schedule is crucial to maintaining this content cadence. If you’re getting started, try posting three times a week - Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

For example, I follow a three-part content cadence: Educate, Prove, and Inspire. This structured approach ensures that your audience gets a variety of content, and allows them to move through the customer journey. Content that: 

  1. Educates: Explain the value behind the services or resources you offer.

  2. Proves: Provide social proof of your client’s transformations.

  3. Inspires: Show your values, story, and personality to connect with your readers.  

More than anything, consistency is key. It’s what helps you stay top of mind with your audience and build a loyal following through valuable content. 

To support this consistency, I’ve created this LinkedIn Content Planner. This planner is in a Notion template and is the all-in-one system to help you stay organized. No more wasted time blocks because of writer’s block! This planner is designed to help you begin your new journey on LinkedIn.

There are also general best practices when it comes to LinkedIn. 

Best Practices to Support Your LinkedIn Content Strategy

Now that you have a stellar LinkedIn content strategy and you’re creating content consistently – people are going to click on your profile. Does your profile explain what you do and inspire them to take action? 

We can’t forget about the foundational pieces of having a polished LinkedIn profile.

We’ll break this down into profile-specific and engagement best practices. 

Individual Profile Best Practices 

Consider your LinkedIn profile as a landing page to set the stage. 

  1. Profile Photo: This is often the first thing your viewers see when they land on your profile. Make sure it’s a clear, close-up picture. Bonus points if it matches your brand colors! 

  2. Banner: This is more free space for you to target your ideal client. How can you help them? Don’t forget to include a call to action — whether that be subscribing to updates or booking a call with you. 

  3. Headline: Articulate your value proposition in a few words. For example, Richard Moore states “I help consultants get clients on LinkedIn using sales and content” 

  4. Featured Section: This is not a place to ‘feature’ your top LinkedIn posts. This is where you can showcase or highlight what you have to offer. 

  5. About Section: Finally, this section allows you to share your story and let viewers get to know you. Don’t overlook this one as it’s well worth the effort. 

Engagement Best Practices

Now that your profile is optimized, let’s talk more about engagement best practices. 

  1. Focus on Engagement and Connections: Engaging with others' content is as crucial as your posts. It increases your visibility and invites engagement in your content. Take part in discussions, offer insights, and connect with peers to expand your network.

  2. Establish an Engagement Routine: Dedicate time to interact with your feed. The ideal time is 15 minutes before and after posting. This activity boosts the visibility of your posts and invites engagement in your content. Regular engagement encourages others to reciprocate, increasing your post's reach and impact.

  3. Respond to Comments: Active responses to comments not only demonstrate your engagement but also signal to LinkedIn that your post is engaging, boosting its visibility. Make it a habit to reply to every comment. This encourages more interaction and builds relationships and credibility within your network.

  4. Use Media: Incorporate images, videos, and documents to make your posts more engaging and informative. Visual content often has higher engagement rates. This helps in making your posts more noticeable and shareable.

  5. Track Performance: Regularly check your post analytics to understand what content resonates with your audience. Use these insights to refine your strategy. These insights will highlight topics, formats, and posting times with the best results. 

Understanding best practices sets a solid foundation for success. But, knowing is only half the battle. Let’s dive into how you can take these and maximize your impact. 

LinkedIn Content Creation Practice

As I was getting started, I found it helpful to have a central hub for my ideas and inspiration. This allowed me to stay organized and have a plan for what was going to be posted and when.

Content Planning Process

  1. Hashtags: Hashtags are important for discoverability and brand building. Users can follow hashtags and curate the content they’re most interested in. They can also be part of building your brand. Associating yourself with areas of expertise, you continue to establish yourself as a thought leader. 

    1. Using the example from before, you may want to consider #leadership as one of your hashtags.

    2. LinkedIn suggests one to three hashtags per post. 

  2. CTAs: After you’ve got your pillars established and topic ideas started, it’s time to look at your hashtags and call to action. You’ve done all the work to get viewers to your profile. Now what do you want them to do? It’s essential to have clear CTAs in your posts, telling your audience what to do next. Do you want them to sign up for your newsletter? Book a call? Like the hashtags, store these for future posts.

To save time, batch your research and store potential hashtags and CTA’s for future posts.

Brain Dump & Swipe File 

When I was first getting started, I’d think of an idea or topic that I wanted to post about. My process was to throw them all into my Notes app on my phone. While this was great for the time, it ended up getting unorganized and messy. 

As you learn how to write on LinkedIn, ideas will begin to flow. 

While it won’t always be pretty, it’s important to have a place to record them. In my LinkedIn Content Planner, I have a whole system for keeping track of my ideas, and inspiration — or swipe files. 

Download My LinkedIn Content Planner to Implement Your Content Strategy in 2024

The journey to a successful LinkedIn content strategy is a marathon, not a sprint.

It requires dedication, planning, and consistent effort. It thrives on engagement, value, and connection. 

A well-orchestrated LinkedIn strategy is not just an advantage — it’s a necessity. 

I mentioned what it has done for my business. 

More importantly, my strategy has helped my ghostwriting clients achieve 5-figure launches, 16,000% increases in visibility, and features in publications like Inc.com – to name a few.

Check out my LinkedIn Content Planner if you want to grow your creator, coaching, or consulting business on LinkedIn in 2024. I can’t wait to see how your goals come to life!


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